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What's IVF? 

IVF stands for 'in vitro-fertilisation'. In vitro means outsie of the human body, in the lab and fertilisation means fertilized. So on one hand we need eggs and on the other hand we need sperm cells to be able to bring them together to make embryo's. 

We start by stimulating the follicles to grow by injecting hormonal medication that will allow (preferably) more than one follicle to grow. A second type of injection will supress our own ovulation.  When the follicles are sufficiently big in size, a third and last injection will be given to finalize the maturation of the eggs (and ovulation after 40hours). 

The egg retrieval will be performed 36hours after this injection. Under sedation (with local anesthesia) the ultrasoundprobe is inserted into the vagina, pushing the ovary against the vagina to be able to puncture the follicles. The follicular fluid is aspirated into a tube an passed on to the laboratory, where they will isolate the ovocyte. 

The sperm is (preferably) produced the same day. It is processed, purifiedet zaadstaal wordt dezelfde dag aangemaakt of geleverd. Dit zaadstaal wordt opgewerkt (gezuiverd), and 10.000 sperm cells are added in 1 droplet to the egg. The sperm cell will enter on its own strength into the ovocyte, which will close itself for all other sperm cells. The day after, fertilization is recognized by 2 nuclei and 2 polar bodies, being from then on an embryo.

Go to difference between IVF and ICSI

The information above regarding fertility is general and may not apply to you.  Every patient is different, so please make an appointment for individual advice.