
What is an embryotransfer? 

The replacement of an embryo in the uterus through a fine catheter is part of an IVF/ICSI treatment and completely painless. The most annoying part is the speculum.  

When is the embryotransfer? 

The transfer can be on day2/3 or day 5 after oocyte puncture. That choice can either be made in advance by the gynaecologist, often based on previous results or prognosis, or it can be made during the evolution of the embryos, based on their development.

When is an embryotransfer cancelled?

 An embryotransfer can not take place for multiple reasons:
- ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome or risk of OHSS
- PGT - preimplantation genetic testing performed on the embryos on day 5 of which the result needs to be awaited to know which embryos can be replaced.
- no mature eggs were found at the moment of puncture
- no sperm cells could be found (in that case, the oocytes can be frozen or donated to research)
- no normal fertilization was seen the day after the egg retrieval
- poor embryo quality
- elevated progesteron value 

Can I move after an embryotransfer? 

In theory, you are allowed to do everything your body is used to doing. Some things might provoke uterine contractions so it may be better to avoid sauna, extreme excessive physical activities, powerplate (vibrating plate fitness). Normal daily activities after embryotransfer have no negative effect, more positively influcence success rates, as literature has shown that bedrest 24h after embryotransfer had worse outcome.   

Bloodloss after embryotransfer

In case the bleeding is limited to only a few drops, this is probably related to the manipulation and completely normal. In case of persisting or heavier bleeding, we advise you to reach out to your gynaecologist or contact the midwife. 

Can I apply the utrogestan in the morning on the day of transfer? 

The day of embryotransfer you are absolutely allowed to apply the vaginal dose of utrogestan/amelgen or other progesteron after waking up. The evening dose you can also apply as before. If there is a third dose applicable to you, try to spread it in the day, after the transfer of the embryo has taken place. 

Can I travel by plane after embryotransfer? 

One is allowed to fly after an embryoreplacement. Only the first 24 houres after anesthesia, it is not recommened to travel by plane, because of increase risk of embolism.

Sexual intercourse after embryotransfer?

The day after an embryotransfer, life goes back to normal, which means you can also have intercourse. After the egg retrieval, it is requested to wait until the bleeding has ended because of the risk of infection.