
What is infertility? 

In order to get pregnant, a lot of things need to happen of which we aren't always aware.

  • An egg (ovocyte) must be released (at the right time)

  • There must be enough good sperm cells (when the egg is released)

  • Ovocyte and sperm cell must be able to meet

  • The fertilized embryo (after fusion of egg and sperm) must get back to the uterus and implant there


Infertility is a very broad term literally meaning you can not get pregnant, although in reality it is usually indicating a difficulty but not impossibility to achieve pregnancy.  
The terms INfertility and SUBfertility are often used in the same meaning, difficulty to get pregnant, not inability. 

De termen infertiliteit en subfertiliteit worden door elkaar gebruikt.

In medical terms, infertility or subfertility is used when no pregnancy occurs, after 1 year of active trying (<36y). If the woman is older than 36 years, that period of spontaneous conception is reduced to 6 months in order to start medical examinations.

The information above regarding fertility is general and may not apply to you. Every patient is different, so please make an appointment for individual advice.